Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Britney's Back!

Alright, alright.... I'll freakin blog already... Life as a single girl is just exhausting... It is just so hard to find the time to put up a new post. Especially between shopping, traveling, and eating blueberry white chocolate coconut pancakes every other day.  As you can guess from the title, I went to the Britney Spears concert. You may ask, "Was it worth the $120 you paid for your ticket?"  My reply is.... capital H yes! Even though there was a moment during the show where I thought I was watching a porno... Britney is still a great entertainer. The theme of the show was at the circus. I really felt like I was at the circus. There were crazy performers and little people. The costumes were amazing! Britney can still dance... I picked up a few moves... Which brings me to a good story that took place after the show. I went to the concert with my good friend Brittany (not Spears). We realized that we had a common guy friend that did not know we knew each other. After the show we both sent him a separate text telling him we wanted to stop by.... 


Since this boy did not know we were together (or were even friends), he had to lie to one of us and say he couldn't hang out. Since my text was the more scandalous of the two... I received the go ahead to stop by. This gave us the perfect opportunity to put this boy in his place. Brittany walked in to the house instead of me and said she just wanted to say hi real quick. The boy almost peed his pants since he was expecting me to walk through the door any second. I then walked in wearing the same Britney Spears shirt as Brittany... Then he realized he had been punked! This boy won't be lying to us anymore!